A new mother proudly showcased the quantity of breast milk she produced just three weeks after giving birth. She took to her Tiktok page to display the neatly arranged and well-packaged breast milk stored in her refrigerator.

In her video, captioned “How the breastfeeding journey is going 3 weeks postpartum,” she excitedly shared her accomplishment. However, her post received mixed reactions from social media users. Some advised her against storing too much breast milk in the fridge for her baby, while others made fun of the amount of milk she produced in just three weeks postpartum.
One user, @adaugohomes, commented that it was unhealthy to store too much breast milk in the fridge, as it may not be fresh or healthy for the baby's health. Another user, @Georginachizoba, congratulated her on her achievement and called her "freaking blessed." Yet another user, @humanhairdepot, cautioned her against using plastic containers to store the milk, as it could cause endocrine disruptors, and recommended looking for healthier alternatives. Others, like @m.b.empire and @blairescene, sought medical advice on whether producing such a significant amount of breast milk in a short time was healthy and safe.