Wiseman Daniel breaks away from TB Joshua and SCOAN, starts his own church
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If you’re a viewer of Emmanuel TV, you’ll realize that Prophet TB Joshua have some specially trained Men of God called ‘Wise men’ who operate just like him.

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The preach, cast out demons, pray for the sick among other things.

Even sometimes, TB Joshua himself can be missing on the scene for months and days but these ‘Wise men’ will carry out his duties perfectly.

Well, for sometime now, we don’t hear or see a lot of these ‘Wise men’ operating except Wiseman Racine Bousso from Senegal.

Wiseman Racine Bousso from Senegal

One ‘Wise man’ that people do ask of a lot is ‘Wise man Daniel’ known in real life as Daniel Emelandu from Nigeria.

There have been countless rumours that a misunderstanding erupted between him and TB Joshua making him to leave. Some also said he misbehaved, thus, TB Joshua suspended his activities for sometime.

Well, ‘Wiseman Daniel’ himself has finally come out to speak.

Wiseman Daniel

In a Youtube video, he likened his stay at the Synagogue Church of All Nations as ‘a University’ where he was fed and nourished both physically and spiritually by TB Joshua.

But now that he’s grown and matured, TB Joshua has thought it wise to release him to also go out into the world and become fishers of men.

He used the entire time to thank TB Joshua for his help and mentorship and noted that as most rumours suggested, there was no bad blood between him and the senior prophet of God.

“Prophet TB Joshua, I will say at this point in time is a finger that has fed me and made me who I am today. If not for him, I wouldn’t have discovered myself or maybe who I am in Christ Jesus.”, he said.

He continued: “And it will tantamount to a dangerous mission, a grievous sin, and also an abomination before God for me to bite or turn against that finger that has made me who I am today. Or speak against that finger that has pointed me to my divine destination. I wouldn’t. As for me and my household, we will not and we can never embark on such a dangerous mission”.

Speaking on his next mission after his release from TB Joshua, Wiseman Daniel said he’s not in a rush to start his own ministry as his mentor has directed him to, first of all, have a quality time with God to direct him on his next step of action.

“I want to go somewhere to have a quiet time to reflect on where I am coming from, where I am now and where I am going from there”, he said.

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