A Nigerian woman, who recently gave birth, publicly confronts her husband for abandoning her on a hospital bed and squandering the money allocated for her CS (Cesarean section) on purchasing a new phone and a dog. The woman's distress was voiced by a social media user identified as @Pharm_prenuer on the platform X.

According to the new mother, she experienced shortness of breath prior to childbirth, prompting medical professionals to recommend a CS procedure (Cesarean section). Despite receiving a generous N500K donation from a compassionate individual to cover her medical expenses, her husband opted to use N180K of the funds to acquire a new phone and a dog.
In her detailed account, the woman narrates the harrowing ordeal she endured, from struggling with breathing difficulties to her husband's refusal to authorize the CS procedure, opting for alternative treatments instead. Despite her worsening condition, she was discharged prematurely against medical advice, only to face further complications upon returning home.

Despite her desperate pleas for medical intervention, her husband allegedly failed to prioritize her health and welfare, leading to a critical situation where her life and that of her unborn child were at risk. Only through the intervention of a kind Samaritan was she able to secure the necessary funds for the CS procedure, which her husband purportedly misappropriated.

The woman's narrative continues with accounts of her husband's apparent negligence and irresponsibility, culminating in his absence during her childbirth and subsequent abandonment of her, their newborn daughter, and her elderly mother at the hospital. Stranded and financially depleted, she implores for assistance from the public, providing detailed information for verification purposes.

She concludes her plea with her hospital admission details, inviting verification of her plight. The woman's story serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by many individuals, particularly women, in navigating childbirth and maternal healthcare in Nigeria.