A couple from Ghana attracts attention as they work side by side at a construction site, sparking discussions and reactions. A video circulating on social media captures a married couple whose livelihood depends on digging foundations together. Despite the demanding nature of the job, the wife can be seen tirelessly digging while the husband shovels out the sand. The video has generated mixed reactions, with some questioning the extent of the wife's struggle, while others commend the couple for working together. Various individuals expressed their thoughts:
- Donlargerofficial.5793 wrote: "That's simply what marriage is all about. It's just that this new generation missed the concept and purpose of marriage."
- Thechairman_1234 commented: "This is not hustling; this is practically killing yourself. This is a job machines should be doing... an excavator will do that digging in 30 minutes, instead of 30 days the way they're digging... our people and low aiming... I swear."
- Kateashton79 stated: "Lol is suffering an achievement?? Or am I missing something?"
- Ekesonmoney_ noted: "Women can also be wife material without suffering to this extent. Let's not lie; that work is not good for her health. God bless her, though."

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