An enraged Ugandan woman, [/b]named Esther Kunsa, took to Facebook on Sunday to report her Nigerian boyfriend to her followers. Seeking advice, she shared her dilemma of planning to visit her boyfriend in Nigeria, but he insisted that she pays for 100% of her trip expenses.
In a Facebook group post, she wrote, "Hello Nigerian members. I need your help to discern. I'm in love with a Nigerian man. [/b]We are both Christians, and we plan to meet soon in Nigeria for me to meet his family. However, the issue is that he wants me to bear all the travel expenses as a way of proving my love."

"He didn't even suggest a 50/50 split, but 100%," she continued. "He says he will reimburse me once I arrive there. Is this the Nigerian way of showing love to a woman? In my country, no man would propose such a thing to the woman he loves. Men cover the expenses here until marriage, and then the responsibilities are shared if the woman is also earning."
"I feel discouraged. The risk of moving to a foreign land with different cultures, languages, and food is already overwhelming for me. Please help me understand or recover, as I'm on the brink of ending the relationship, but I fear disappointing his children. They can't wait to see me, and I cannot tell them that Papa is not paying for my trip," she added.
"Please note: He has always been kind and gentle with me. We communicate every day, every night. I want to hear from Nigerians, especially. Thank you," Esther concluded.