A video from a church in Ghana has sparked controversy on social media as the purported church choir was seen wearing bikinis while leading praise songs.

The video was shared on Twitter by a user with the handle Napaul, who expressed shock and disappointment, criticizing the church for allowing such attire. In the video, three women, allegedly from the church choir, were leading praises while the church leaders danced to the music.
The video has generated a significant response on social media, with various comments from users expressing their opinions.
Muskjr: "lmao these ones are stripping for daddy."
Olake of Lagos: "That's their choir uniform as you can see the other woman there dressed properly."
Officialjuliet: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves – Matthew 7:15."
Endylight: "Jesus please if you aren't too busy, come and see the people you died for."
Chiommygold: "The fact mothers are there dancing to this madness instead of condemning it is the height of it all."
Mishilly: "Is this not disrespect to the house of God… seriously I don't want to believe it's real."
[blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-width="500" data-dnt="true"]These days, it’s very hard to differentiate between churches & clubs.💔 pic.twitter.com/dZQsI1xw22
— Napaul (@LifeOfNapaul) October 19, 2023[/blockquote]