During an online worship session on the New Season Prophetic Prayers (NSPPD) platform, a lady named Felicity Bold made a rather controversial prayer request. While others were engrossed in listening to the sermon by convener Jerry Eze, Felicity took the opportunity to share her desire with God.
In her prayer request, Felicity boldly expressed her wish for her sugar daddy to leave his wife and dedicate himself fully to her. She didn't hold back as she openly stated her intention to have her sugar daddy, who is currently involved in an extramarital affair, sever ties with his wife and pursue a committed relationship with her instead.
Felicity's words were direct and unapologetic, as she wrote, "I am here to pray so my sugar daddy leaves his wife and follow me full time. Amennnnn." She even attached an image along with her comment to further emphasize her request.

Although the act of submitting such a request during a worship session may have raised eyebrows among other participants, Felicity made her desires known without hesitation. It remains to be seen how her prayer request will be received and whether she will attain the outcome she desires.