Claudio Spilatro, the owner of Pelican Shops, a ski and snowboard rental company based in New Jersey, has opened up about his relationship with his younger partner, Atadja, after his 18-year marriage ended. Spilatro shared his story with South West News Service, addressing the criticism they have faced and emphasizing that their relationship is mutually beneficial.
Spilatro and Atadja met on the dating app Seeking in 2017 and have been inseparable ever since. According to Spilatro, they hit it off immediately and he believes Atadja is everything he was looking for in a partner.
While some people have accused Atadja of using Spilatro for his money and questioned her love for him, Spilatro firmly believes that relationships should be mutually beneficial. He appreciates the companionship and vitality Atadja brings to his life, and he provides her with the opportunity to travel and make connections.
Atadja, an estate agent and content creator from New Jersey, expressed her own reasons for being in the relationship. She confessed that she was tired of dating unsuccessful partners and found Spilatro to be a happy and genuine person who allows her to be herself. She also mentioned that older men on the dating app seemed to possess more wisdom, which she found attractive.
Since they started dating, Spilatro and Atadja have traveled the world together, enjoying luxurious experiences such as flying first class, staying in five-star resorts, hiring private chefs, and going on vacations at least once a month. Their adventures have taken them whale watching in Hawaii, skiing in the Alps, and visiting their second home in the Dominican Republic.
Both Spilatro and Atadja have received support from their families regarding their relationship. Initially, Atadja's family had concerns when she jokingly referred to herself as a "gold digger" in her TikTok videos, but they eventually understood that it was just comedy. Spilatro's sisters were initially worried about him, but after spending time with the couple, they saw that he was genuinely happy.
While marriage is a possibility in the future, Spilatro and Atadja are currently content with their relationship as it is. They cherish the happiness and experiences they share together and are open to the idea of marriage when the time feels right.

He said they hit it off as soon as they met on a dating app, Seeking, in 2017– and they have been inseparable ever since.