A Zimbabwean pastor’s son, Blessing Manyange, has become the center of a scandal after he was accused of selling his girlfriend’s car to fund his wedding to another woman.
The young man allegedly sold his girlfriend Charity Madare’s car, a Honda Fit, without her knowledge or consent, sparking outrage and accusations of betrayal.
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According to reports, Blessing had been using the car for errands with Charity’s permission, but secretly sold it to finance his wedding to another woman named Petronella.
Feeling deceived and betrayed, Charity confronted Blessing, demanding that he return all the gifts and belongings she had given him during their relationship. She expressed her anger and disappointment over the betrayal.
In an attempt to resolve the issue, Pastor Fungayi Manyange, Blessing’s father, stepped in and assured Charity that he would reimburse her the value of the car in installments.
Blessing confessed to selling Charity’s car but accused her of trying to extort him because he ended their relationship to be with another woman. He defended his actions, claiming he was being unfairly targeted.
Blessing stated …
“I sold Charity’s vehicle and used the money. She was disturbed when I separated from her and is now demanding every dollar she gave me, including that vehicle. She confronted my parents, and my father agreed to pay the amount equivalent to the value of the vehicle.

Blessing, who had already tied the knot with Petronella, brought her along to a media interview to share his side of the story.
Charity, on the other hand, shared her perspective, labeling Blessing’s actions as heartless and expressing her disappointment in both Blessing and his father.
She also revealed that despite Pastor Fungayi Manyange’s promise to reimburse her for the sold car, only a minimal amount had been paid towards resolving the issue. She criticized Blessing’s actions as cruel and contrary to what is expected of a priest’s son.
“What Blessing did to me is cruel and far from what we expect of a priest’s son. He sold the car I gave him for errands to marry another woman. His father signed a document promising to make monthly payments but has kept quiet after the initial few dollars,” she said.