A young entrepreneur has expressed his opinion that Nigeria [/b]will see a significant rise in the number of unmarried women in the country in the coming years. Taking to Twitter to make his claims, @DukeDarls argues that the reason for this is that men are losing interest in marriage, while the women who benefit from it speak ill of their husbands' efforts.

According to @DukeDarls, "Few years from now Nigeria will have one of the most largest numbers of unmarried women roaming the streets. This is not a joke or a swift attack to the ladies, it’s just based on statistics. Niqqas on this side of the world can’t really pinpoint the importance nowadays. Nigerian women benefit more from marriage & relationships yet whenever u hear them talk they always talking down on men."
The young entrepreneur goes on to explain that being unmarried as a woman in Nigerian society can be quite difficult, as it is seen as a marker of social status. He warns that unmarried women may find themselves struggling to pay rent and unable to find willing partners for sex. "You’ll starve of sex, men ur age won’t want you, young boys sef go use u learn how to knack then move on. Calm down now, suffer dey front o," he concludes.
Accompanying @DukeDarls' tweets are a series of images that depict women in Nigeria, including one photo of women in a marketplace, one of women standing in front of a building, and one of women dressed in traditional Nigerian clothing.