A Kenyan lady is seeking advice regarding her father's demand for a bride price of 50 million shillings. She is a 29-year-old business administration graduate dating a primary school dropout who works as a farmer. Her father is insistent on the high bride price despite her fiancé's financial constraints. She shared her story, explaining that her parents, who are local peasants, supported her education from nursery to university. She's now assisting her fiancé in growing his farm, but they lack capital. Her fiancé intends to visit her parents for an introduction ceremony, but her father's demand for 50 million shillings as the bride price has left her perplexed. She's torn between leaving her less affluent fiancé for a wealthier suitor or proceeding with the marriage against her father's wishes. She seeks advice on how to handle this situation.

Kindly advise her on the best course of action in this challenging situation.