A mother was left devastated and in shock when her young daughter accidentally swallowed a screw, leading to an anxious and nerve-wracking period. However, relief finally came just eight days later when the child successfully passed the object naturally.
The mother recounted the frightening experience in a video shared on her TikTok page, where she expressed her disbelief and concern over the incident. She explained how she nearly fainted when she realized her daughter had swallowed the screw, and she immediately took her to the hospital for medical attention.
At the hospital, a scan was performed to locate the screw in the child's stomach, and doctors scheduled surgery as a precautionary measure. The mother was on edge, waiting for the surgery date, and described the days leading up to it as some of the most challenging moments of her life.

To her immense relief and gratitude, just before the scheduled operation, her daughter passed the screw naturally. The mother shared her joy and relief with followers, writing, “She pooped it after 8 days, just before she could even get operated… God is great.”
The video quickly went viral, drawing a flood of reactions from concerned and empathetic viewers, many of whom shared similar stories of children swallowing foreign objects and the miraculous outcomes.
Some viewers shared their personal experiences in the comments, revealing the challenges they faced in similar situations. Others expressed gratitude for the child’s safety and sent heartfelt messages to the family.
See some of the reactions below:
Manu: “I swallowed a marble when I was young, and I never told anyone. Up to date, I’m fine.”
Nghwazi.m: “I once swallowed 50c😭🤣. I was very naughty.”
thandekamazibuk59: “My baby girl swallowed a ring, and she went for an operation😭. I’m still thankful to God for her life.”
user8066438175323 Vivian E: “My child swallowed a coin, and I almost died. That was after losing my 4-year-old in a road accident.”
gm84: “My neighbor’s daughter swallowed a u-nail, and it came out with poo a day before the operation, after 5 days.”
Candice🤍: “My 2-year-old swallowed 10 cents, and I only found out when he pooped. I saw it inside the diaper😭😭😭.”
phiby: “My son swallowed a coin, but he told me after a year.”
BAAHUBALI. 🦾🦾: “Hmmm mine swallowed my car engine, but he is fine now. 🥺🥺🥺 Please, I’m not lying.”
nomachule: “How did they take it out?”
cynthia momo 💗🔵💕: “My daughter swallowed a cow, but you people, it’s God.”
20/05/23🙌the day I will never forget 💔
♬ son original – Shay