One Nigerian woman, who is also a fashion model, has caused a stir online with her recent Facebook post about the rights of mothers in a couple's home. In the post, which has now gone viral, the woman advised married women to understand that their husbands' mothers have more rights in their homes than their biological mothers. According to her, the husband's mother has more rights in the house because the house belongs to her son. She insinuated that the wife's mother has limited rights because she is a guest and should be treated as such.

The woman's post has generated a lot of reactions on social media, with some people agreeing with her and others completely disagreeing. For instance, a Twitter user with the handle @TomiwaAdeyemi8 opined that none of the mothers has more right than the other because they are both guests in the house. Another user, @DappTamee, stated that both in-laws are family and should be respected, cared for, and shown love.
However, some people disagreed with the woman's assertion. For instance, a Twitter user with the handle @chidieberer1 argued that both mothers are guests in the house, but the mother-in-law should respect privacy because it is "what is mine, is yours" in marriage. Another user, @Cheisy_girl, opined that when a couple builds a house together, both mothers are guests and have equal rights, and when they are done visiting, they should leave.

The debate on who has more rights in a couple's home between the husband's mother and the wife's mother is an ongoing one. While some people believe that the mother-in-law has more rights because the house belongs to her son, others think that both mothers are guests in the house and should be treated equally. Ultimately, the decision on how to treat both mothers lies with the couple, and they should ensure that they set boundaries that work for them and their families.