Tehmeena, a woman, came up with solution to stop her husband, Bryant, from cheating. She introduced a side chic to her husband who looked like her. The couple had been married for five years when Tehmeena discovered her husband's infidelity. She discussed her idea with Bryant, and they both agreed. They searched Instagram for a lady who looked like Tehmeena and found Kyrah from Australia, who flew in to live with them.

Tehmeena explained that "Bryant hasn't been faithful, and I feel that if you are with a man, you should do anything required to make that work." She went on to say that "now when he adds girls, I'm like, 'oh, I like that one!'" She added that Kyrah was what they needed in their relationship, as she looked like Tehmeena, which is what Bryant likes.

Tehmeena revealed that she was initially insecure about the idea of a polyamorous relationship, but it has made their relationship stronger. She wants to make Bryant happy and will do whatever it takes to keep him faithful. She said, "I want him for the rest of my life. Whatever he wants, whatever makes him happy, I will give it to him."