A Nigerian man, Emeka, has shared a heartbreaking experience with long distance relationships on Twitter. Emeka sent a cake to his girlfriend's office as a surprise for her birthday, but the surprise ended up being on him. According to Emeka, his girlfriend shared the cake with her office boyfriend and eventually left him to marry the same colleague. This experience has made Emeka strongly believe that long distance relationships cannot work, as he expressed his frustration with the concept of long distance relationships in his tweet. His story came as a response to another Twitter user who had suggested that long distance relationships only had bad PR. Emeka's tweet quickly gained traction on social media, with many users sympathizing with him and sharing their own stories of long distance relationships gone wrong. Some users, however, argued that Emeka's experience was not necessarily representative of all long distance relationships, and that there were many successful long distance relationships out there. One user, @therealdaddymo1, even joked that Emeka's experience was like a full three course meal with dessert and take away. Another user, @_OluwaKemie, called it "premium breakfast, served hot." Yet another user, @introvertedife, shared her own experience of being the side chick in a long distance relationship. Emeka's tweet has sparked a conversation about the challenges and realities of long distance relationships, and how they can both succeed and fail.