Sharing his heartfelt journey on the quest for genuine love, a 33-year-old man opens up about his conscious decision to remain a virgin throughout his life, prioritizing a meaningful connection over casual encounters.
Taking to the Reddit platform, he expressed concerns about the struggle of finding true love, recounting that despite receiving advances from friends, he chose to decline offers that didn't align with his desire for a deep connection. His commitment to waiting for the right person resulted in waking up at the age of 33 as a virgin.

Reactions Trailing Single 33-Year-Old Man
SuddenAnxieties784 said: “Your story and your thought process is exactly the same as mine. I also want the first time to be meaningful, so I never really looked for any casual stuff and only tried to look for something meaningful, but to no avail. But I must say, with each passing day my urge for some physical intimacy is increasing, be it in any form (even casual), because the loneliness is killing me, man.”
Monroegoodwin477 said: “Trust me at this age, don’t tell a woman you are still chaste. Maybe when you find someone you love…women love men that have experience about something and are more mature about having lust and sex.”
Imaginary_101 said: “You shouldn’t care what people think. Also, your value doesn’t come from sex; you simply have value, dude. We live in a misandrist society that hates men.”
Keldrath said: “Unless you’re with a girl from church or something who’s super traditional and wants to wait for marriage too and is looking for that specifically, yeah, unfortunately, it is and it’s best to just never mention it.”