One video has surfaced online showing a disturbing incident where a mother caught her maid trying to mix urine and menstrual blood in her children's water bottle. The incident occurred on Tuesday night, March 14, when the mother woke up around 1am and caught the maid mixing the fluids in a bucket. The mother had employed the maid in December 2022 and had bought new underwears and sanitary towels for her. She also personally burned the maid's sanitary pad after her menstrual cycle and did most of the chores in the house to avoid overworking the maid. However, the mother revealed that the maid had poor hygiene habits, rarely bathed or brushed her teeth, and stained the children's bedding with blood. Despite everything she did for the maid, the mother accused her of attempting to "poison" her children. In the viral video, the distraught mother interrogated the maid and recounted the numerous instances where she had to ask the maid to stop sleeping in the children's room due to the stench. The video has elicited outrage and shock from viewers who have condemned the maid's actions.

Watch the full video below: