Lady expresses distress as landlord serves her a one-month quit notice despite investing half a million naira in store renovations for enhanced visibility.
The unidentified lady took to her social media page, sharing a video of herself in tears, highlighting the apparent unfairness of her landlord's actions after her significant investment in upgrading the store to modern standards.

According to the embattled lady, she had spent half a million naira just to renovate and tush up the store to modern standards to gain better visibility.
However, for some reason, her landlord had served a quit notice demanding that she vacate the shop in one month.
A video she shared showed her shedding tears of sorrow as her captioned relayed her plight.
“After using more than half a million to renovate your store and create strong visibility for your store landlord give you 1 month to park out,” she captioned.
Check out reactions that followed …fariiidah.h said: “more reasons why you should always enter into a documented signed agreements in everything you do that could affect you greatly”
jummy_montana remarked: “I’ve been there and I understand the feeling. You suppose sign a legal agreement with him , that he won’t ask you to leave or increase rent until after 5yrs. Those landlords are greedy and heartless. Sha make sure you demolish and remove everything you did there.”
dart_partt stated: “You come here de cry for the gram. Person weh you go find lawyer serve sm court papers. Some of you are just funny.”
king_mosa_ commented: “I think people should start doing businesses in their homes…maybe rent a two bedroom flat..use one of the rooms for your business and post them online…that one million would have been enough to set up a good space in your house…just an opinion”
Watch video below …