Lady recently went online to share photos capturing his transformational journey after undergoing surgery to transition from a woman to a man. The individual, once identifying as a woman, took to TikTok to share the remarkable changes that her face underwent as part of this transition process.

A video she shared shows various photos depicting what she tags as ‘200 days of healing’ from the facial masculinization surgery.
The photos captured her face from the period after the surgery right to when her face began taking a more manly feature.
Mixed reactions have trailed this …
thefoodnetworknig2 said: “From Betty Butter to Abdallah the herdsman 👀”
glitz_farms commented: “I randomly go to her page on the black app,hmm something actually happened to her that she’s yet to speak about 😢 I pray she finds that validation she wants 🙏”
everlywhyte commented: “Just wondering what the color of her problem was…”
colmac_auto_transport prayed: “May we not give birth to children like this, Amen”
babygurl_cheiii wrote: “Everybody with their own problems lol 😂”
olivia__davids wrote: “The consequences of free will”
Watch video below …