Maynard Manyowa, a journalist, recently shared his regret at becoming a polygamist. In response to a post describing polygamy as the future, Manyowa explained that he never found peace while married to two women. He admitted that he only loved one woman and had only married the second to avoid the public disgrace of being unmarried.
Manyowa's polygamous union lasted for 10 years, during which time he nearly lost the woman he truly loved. He went on to say that being a polygamist was his biggest mistake and that he would not recommend it to anyone. He added that while polygamy can be amazing, it can also be terrible, and that he only enjoyed it for the first 10 years. Manyowa also mentioned that in his attempt to keep the woman he didn't want to suffer, he almost lost the woman he truly loved. In conclusion, he suggested that polygamy itself may not be bad, but that he was not suited to it.