In a highly comical audio recording, an audacious man mustered up the courage to propose a relationship to a lady through WhatsApp, only to be met with an astonishingly savage response in return.
This confident gentleman took the initiative to slide into the lady's WhatsApp Direct Message (DM) after being captivated by a beautiful photo he had spotted on her profile.

Expressing his admiration, he complimented her appearance and expressed his interest in commencing a dating journey together.
Unfortunately, the lady responded with an unexpected and stinging insult, declaring that the sound of his voice emitted an unmistakable aura of poverty.
The man, hurt and indignant, retorted swiftly, hitting back with his own cutting remark, alleging that his supposedly poverty-stricken voice might have been influenced by the toothpaste he used—a playful reference to her father's toothpaste, playfully insinuating that he has been intimate with her father.
For those curious to experience the hilarious exchange firsthand, the audio recording can be heard in the embedded Instagram post below:
Listen to audio below…