A woman, who is currently living abroad, has broken down in tears after watching a distressing video of her child. Despite regularly sending money for the upkeep of her child, she was shocked to see the poor condition in which the child appeared in the video. The woman had entrusted her child's care to family members before she traveled to Saudi Arabia in search of better opportunities.
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The woman explained that she sends money to her family on a monthly basis to ensure the well-being of her child. However, she received a video from one of her neighbors that depicted her child in an unkempt and unhealthy state. Responding to inquiries from social media users regarding why she didn't bring her child with her, the woman clarified that she was not allowed to migrate to Saudi Arabia with her child.
Reactions from social media users varied. @[user6504831471730] suggested that the money she sends is not solely intended for her child, but for the entire family's needs. [user90309152136108betty holic] expressed the sentiment that only a real mother can provide proper care for a child, while others noted that the child appeared healthy and that clothing may be better when attending church. [Wacera254] commented that as long as the child is healthy, everything else will be fine once the woman returns. [Mama Roxie] shared her own experience of taking back her child from a trusted family member, considering it the best decision she ever made.
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