A breastfeeding mother has taken to her Facebook page to proudly showcase the extent of her baby girl's milk consumption over the course of a year.
The image was shared on Facebook by a user with the handle Gold Endior. In the photograph, her one-year-old baby is joyfully posing in front of a collection of empty milk tins.

Baby standing by empty tins of milk. Photo source: Facebook
The empty tins of milk have been carefully arranged to form a small hill, stacked in an upward triangular pattern. The one-year-old baby stands proudly before this artistic arrangement of empty milk tins.
According to the mother, there are a total of 87 empty milk tins in this display.
Gold Endior shared this amusing photo on Facebook with the following caption: “Wow! World princess achievement in 12 months. This is hilarious. Her parents must be impatiently waiting for her to grow.”