A calculator equipped with a concealed mobile phone feature has ignited a frenzy on social media, prompting numerous inquiries about its pricing and where it can be purchased.
In a recently released video, an unidentified individual deftly demonstrated the device.

The demonstration involved activating the calculator function, which then revealed a fully functional phone screen displaying a variety of mathematical questions and equations.
This captivating video showcasing the calculator's hidden phone feature has captured the attention of countless individuals who have eagerly shared their reactions in the comments section.
See some reactions below:
@lilmarissa: “I need it urgently”
@tiktacnick: “Omg this should have been made back in my hs days well i aced my geometry. i sucked in trigonometry hahahaha.”
@jerryasterling: “There was a time I tried so hard to cheat by putting in the codes in my calculator, I actually learned how to do it.”
@Scott: “Am I the only one that wants the app that this person used?? What’s the name of it?”
@Pdaddy: “So why do we have to learn anything anymore if we have tools to help us do it for us?”
@m hilton: “Some employer will be sooooo lucky to hire this one. Money in the bank.”
@Joynal Hasan978: “I am student of commerce but after seeing this trigonometrical math i laughed a lot. It was so easy!!”
@kingsolomon: “Where can i get one.. not a matter of cheating but helping my kid in school work. cause i sometimes don’t know the answers.”
@cheatgreekNever back down #cheatinginschool #cheatingontests #school
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