
[p]According to the adviser, identified only as John Doe, a person's lifespan after they turn 40 is dependent on the kind of food they eat from that age onwards. Doe stressed the importance of women learning how to prepare healthy meals for their partners and taking control of their dietary intake.
[/p][p]The adviser wrote: “If you marry a woman that cannot cook, chances that you’ll live longer than 60, is slim. What you consume after 40, will determine how long you’ll live. Every woman MUST study how to prepare healthy diets, & take control of what her husband eats. Indomie generation. End.”
[/p][p]The statement has generated a lot of reactions on social media, with some people expressing their disagreement with the adviser's assertion. Some social media users criticized the adviser for making such a statement, while others questioned the correlation between a person's lifespan and their partner's cooking abilities.
[/p][p]The debate on whether a woman's cooking ability affects her partner's lifespan continues to be a topic of discussion, with many people sharing their opinions on the matter.