An anonymous statement surfaced, detailing a harrowing encounter of a woman and her mother visited by robbers years ago.
The woman recounted the traumatic incident, emphasizing her belief that no armed robber should be shown mercy or granted peace.

Her statement: “Just saw a thread about people’s experience with armed robbers, but couldn’t share my experience cos it’s ugly and l’m still traumatised.”
“I was 18, my mum and I traveled to the village for Christmas celebration.”
“It was just me and my mum because my siblings are yet to be back for Christmas. The night we got robbed!”
“And I was raped by the 3 dirty armed robbers, while they made my mum watch!”
“My mum and I haven’t shared this with anyone, not even my siblings.”
“Was pregnant after the rape, but I didn’t tell anyone, had to google for abortion pills and I used it to terminate the pregnancy, which led to so many complications, but I survived without telling anyone! Just sharing this, to know if I can feel a bit relieved.”
“It’s been 17 years but I still cry myself to sleep and my heart still breaks for my mum for experiencing that! No armed robber deserves to live when they’re caught.”
“I forgot to add, those dirty robbers deflowered me! Afam, I’m still hurting from this.”
“I can’t even keep a relationship because I feel so worthless and dirty for any man.”