Amidst being called out by Portable, a lady shares her unpleasant experience with Bewaji at a nail salon, asserting that both of them are suited for each other.
The lady responded to the recent incident of Portable calling out Bewaji for the second time on social media.
Bewaji posted on her Instagram account with a caption that didn't sit well with the singer, prompting him to express his opinion on the matter.

This prompted the lady to share her experience with Bewaji back in 2022.
She tweeted, "October 2022, I was in Ota for my mum’s birthday shoot. I wanted to patronize my school daughter so I went to her shop to do my nails and lash extension. While she was doing my nails, a call came in on her phone, so she picked and put it on speaker. Then, with one nasty arrogance, we heard, 'Hello, Iyawo Portable lon soro, shey ma n se nails fun awon celebrities?' 'Shey ibi ti mo ma park motor mi si wa?' 'E send address yin si PA mi, mo n bo.' Anytime I see this particular wife, I dey always laugh 🤣"
The translation reads, "Hello, this is Portable’s wife. Do you do nails for celebrities? Is there a parking space for my car? Send your address to my PA. I’m coming."
See the post below