A single mother criticizes a generous friend who committed to giving her N50K monthly but failed once due to financial challenges while relocating abroad.
A social media user identified as @KingSuleiman27 on the X platform shared an astonishing experience involving his friend and a single mother.

According to the man, his friend saw the lady's distressing post about raising her kids alone and decided to contribute N50K monthly to help her out. However, when facing financial difficulties during plans to relocate to the UK, he couldn't provide the usual amount once. This led to the single mother reporting the good samaritan to his wife.
How a single mother ridiculed my friend for failing to give her the usual free N50K monthly
“A colleague of mine took it upon himself to be sending 50k monthly to a single mum after reading her distress story on my page.
He doesn’t know her from Adam, he was just being a good Samaritan. He consistently sent her this 50k from April last year thereabouts around the Easter of last year.
In December he made it 100k because he wanted her to have a great Christmas celebration with her twins.
In January last month he rounded up his japa plans to leave the country and flew out of Nigeria on the 31st. I even assisted him with his japa sales and all.
In all the rush and stress of relocating he probably forgot to send the single mum her usual 50k.
She sent me several messages saying he had stopped communicating with her and wanted to know what was going on. It was not in my place to tell her that he was relocating, but I asked him to please reach out to her.
He said he didn’t have time for that, and that he was under a lot of financial pressure with relocating his family out of Nigeria.
I understood completely, and told the lady to please be a bit patient with him so he could settle down in the country he had gone to.
This lady kept bombarding his inbox messages till he was forced to block her. She dug her way around and found his wife’s Facebook profile and transferred her bombardment to the innocent woman. [/p>
She told her it wasn’t fair that they left her hanging, and that she had already made plans on top of the money he usually sent her. She poured out so many sob stories and added that her twins' school were threatening to throw them out for not yet paying their school fees. [/p>
You can imagine how it looks when a stranger starts harassing you online over money that you as a woman even had no idea your husband was sending for months, just out of the goodness of his heart. [/p>
Again, this Good Samaritan does not know this lady from Adam, he can’t even identify her beyond Facebook. But she’s carrying on like a worker deprived of her rightful wages.
I shared this with a few friends and they are of the opinion that he should have told her he was traveling out so she could plan accordingly.
I’m just befuddled!!”