A landlady finds herself boiling with anger upon discovering the state of her property after an enthusiastic tenant painted it. Upon visiting the house following the tenant's departure, the landlady was shocked by the sight that greeted her. The tenant had painted the house in black and red hues, adorned with owl paintings covering the walls and ceilings, even going so far as to paint the sink and toilet black.

She had to call in somebody to wash the toilet sink back to white as it is not a very appealing sight.
Here are some reactions to the video
callme.nene_ wrote: “Maybe I understand the painting as being obsessed with black and owls, but why TF did you paint your toilet seat black?”
lola_comfort noted: “Because they redecorated?? Mama use your caution fee and paint the house”
manlikemerv responded: “I don’t see anything wrong here, if it was Jesus picture everywhere there’ll be no issue, it’s just art”
mheenarh_ asked: “Na herbalist be your former tenant?”
wuraaola_art commented: “Calling the person a m@d person is just too harsh sha 😢 he/she saw their room as their canvas and wanted to get creative, the person just needs better management because this mural painting no easy at all..”
tilda_harris added: “This comment section irks me tf off cos which human in their right mind would support this wickedness? Caution fee? If it’s your house and someone creates this typa atrocity in the name of art you won’t feel any sorta way? Damn yall gotta grow up from this mentality it’s exasperating”
Watch the video here