In a plea for advice, an unidentified married man expresses concern over his 22-year-old wife's reluctance to start a family, despite being married for over a year. The 33-year-old husband is troubled by his wife's lifestyle choices, citing her penchant for clubbing and dressing inappropriately as issues of contention.
When the husband raised his concerns with his wife, she dismissed them, insisting that there was nothing to worry about. Notably, the wife expressed a desire to delay childbirth until she turns 25, a decision that adds to the marital discord.
The man seeks advice on the matter, writing, “Hi, I am 33, and my wife is 22. We got married a year ago, and she is still living a single lifestyle. She goes to the club, dresses indecently, and anytime I query her, she tells me it is nothing serious. I even told her we should start having children; she said till she is 25. Please any advice.”

Reactions to the Man's Dilemma
Online reactions to the man's situation vary. Love821_ suggests that it might be too late to change the wife's lifestyle, while talk2veee humorously remarks about the man's perceived lack of control. Roodie77 and MichaelOyewole_ emphasize the man's responsibility in choosing a young spouse and expecting her to alter her lifestyle for him.