Peter Obi assures legal action after Nigerians were robbed and declares victory
Posted by badgeBusayo on 0
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[ b ][ b ]Peter Obi[ /b ][ /b ], has spoken out about how Nigerians were allegedly robbed of their votes by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

[ p ]This statement comes after the elections were called for the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Bola Tinubu, on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023. Following the announcement of the election results, many Nigerians expressed their dissatisfaction and took to the streets in protest, accusing INEC of rigging the elections. Some Nigerians believe that Peter Obi should have won the elections. [ /p ]
In response, Peter Obi has assured Nigerians that legal action will be taken against INEC and the supposed election results for allegedly robbing Nigerians of their votes once again. He has, however, called for calm amongst the youth and other angry Nigerians.
Peter Obi encouraged Nigerians to come out and vote in the upcoming election scheduled for March 11th, 2023. He promised to be a part of the election and reiterated his commitment to a better future for Nigeria.
[ blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-width="500" data-dnt="true" ]
[ p ]BREAKING: We Won And Will Explore All Legal Means To Reclaim Our Mandate – Obi[ a href=""][ /a ] [ a href=""][ /a ][ /p ]
[ p ]β€” Channels Television (@channelstv) [ a href=""]March 2, 2023[ /a ][ /p ]
[ /blockquote ]
The above tweet from Channels Television confirms that Peter Obi has declared victory and will explore all legal means to reclaim what he sees as his mandate. [ /p ]
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