As the Country Celebrate Independence today, Marking Her 60year of Independence from the colonial Masters ( THE BRITISH), We see a lot of Reactions and bitterness in the hearts and word of the people. As thousands of people, set aside today, to match in protest, to make a public show, of the pains and Regrets in their hearts, as Citizens of Nigeria.
Thousand of Nigerians has used their Social Media accounts, to share online the pains they feel, and frown at the Incapability of the Governments both in the state and federal level to give good Governance to the People.
The celebration of this Year's Independence has taken a whole new turn, Hearing and seeing Nigerians, Opening up her minds to react to poor Leaderships, and governance. A lot of images created to interpret the pains, and failures of people:

Pains in the heart all Nigerians as they continue to show hurts with Pictures and arts. Asking deep questions, What has the Country gained for it Citizen Since 1960 independence? How has all the government of Country Nigeria, Provide Good Amenities to reach to all Her Citizens? What is the Hope of all in Nigeria?
More also, Dark and heartbreaking thoughts were shared, to show he the extent and level of pains all Nigerian feel, The blood that drop from the eyes, are all soaked up in the Flag Nigeria,

" what could be more painful than the tears of crying child, abandoned by her mother, What hope, what future does these suckling hold or see" This are the expressions and word of Citizen as they speak out to voice their opinions and dissatisfaction.

Nurse your crying Citizen our Motherland, as we mark another Independence celebrations. Nigeria at 60, One land, One People, One Home, One Hope, We pray.