Temmie Ovwasa Reveals Why She Can Never Date/ Marry The Opposite Sex
Posted by badgeGbolahan on 0

Temmie Ovwasa, the ex-YBNL Princess, has revealed why she would not be going straight anytime soon. 

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She started a number of things she couldn't stand in a recent series of Tweets. These are things that happen in typical straight relationships or marriages.

In her words, “I hope that at my funeral, people are allowed to say what a shitty person I was and what an amazing person I’ve been, because I was both, very much looking forward to a lack of crocodile tears at my funeral, let those who say “fuck them” say it in peace. When my family members remind me that I’ll be 25 this year, hoping that my lesbian phase has passed and I can bring a man home. No dear, I will be bringing a woman home but not YOUR home, Mine.

Can’t go from Multiple orgasms, genuine concern from my partner, full autonomy because she knows she doesn’t own me & treats me as such to 2 strokes, pregnancy scares and an immature man child who can’t wash his ass or keep a straight woman interested.”

Read her write up below:

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