‘Save For Rainy Days, God Is The Greatest’ - Nigerians Reveal What They’ve Learnt During Lockdown
Posted by badgeGbolahan on 0

Nigerians on popular social network Twitter are giving an account on what they’ve learnt during this lockdown period and what every one is saying is similar.

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Popular pastor, Apostle Sulaiman took to the social network to ask users what they’ve learnt during this lockdown in the country and they’ve got a lot to say.

Nigerians have resulted to stating that it teaches that everyone should save for the rainy days and as well pointing to the fact that God is the greatest.

Another commented that it shows one can worship God from anywhere. They’re a lot said.

But first, see Apostle Suleiman’s tweet below:

See some reactions below:

Save for the rainy day. 

Share the little you have with those who have nothing. 

No matter how terrible your condition, some are worse off than you.

Learn that God is the Ultimate. 

Men created chaos for themselves but couldn't control the situation.. All in the Scriptures are all being fulfilled before our very own eyes.

Life is short. Build your relationship with God. Don't take good little things for granted. Create multiple streams of income. People are important

See some screenshots below:

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