Launching Jn Interview is with a rising teenage singer and songwriter, Boy Xander who is known for his amazing vocal, lyrical prowess, and unique sound.

Can you please introduce yourself?
Xander: My name is Alexander Amhande but I go by the stage name Boy Xander
I am singer and songwriter from Edo state , 17 years of age.
How did you come up with the name Boy Xander?
I actually used to go by just Xander
But I was in the studio with manager and friend when his elder brother came in and was like "Xander is too ordinary boy" then there was a spark and he said let's go with Boy Xander and I instantly loved it
At what point did you decide to pursue music?
I've always loved music and there is no better time than when I was singing with my brother grena.
I wrote my first song when I was 10 for my first crush 😂 who sadly turned me downÂ
I decided that I was gonna pursue a career to music
What does your parent think about your music career?
They give me a reasonable amount of support they allow me go for some shows and interviews but nothing late at night
But they are still very big on my education and have urged me to still finish with school
Did you start as a chorister in the church, since most musicians began that way?
No I didn't I was always too shy for that
I'm only beginning to get over my stage fright 😂😂
Who influenced your type of music and what is your major genre?
I don't have anyone particularly because I listen to all to basically everything with a melodic beat and good lyrics with cut across to different genres of music like rnb, rap, country, soul and so on
Do you do anything else asides singing?
I am a chess maestro 😂
i also try to play basketballÂ
Other from all that I'm kinda a boring guy 😂😂
Any challenges faced when working?
I think the only challenge I face is the obsessive thought that I can make whatever project i'm working on better. I am almost never satisfied after recording and it usually slows the process and I can actually mess up something by worrying about it too much
So that's it I'm the major problem 😂
Are you signed?
No but I have a very competent management team
Why not?
No particular reason
Since you are unsigned, how do you manage to push and publicize your music?
As much as I would love to take credit for it 😂😂
But I couldn't possibly have done it without my manager and Friend Kelly, a blogger and philanthropist
Any new project?
Yeah, I have a newly released song which I dropped 16th of this monthÂ
The name of the song is "Need Me". You can get the song Here

What is the song about if i may ask?
it is a love song where a promise is made to always be there to help, love and protect his lover even if she doesn't want him
What are your expectations for 2021?
I just want more recognition and I want my songs to spread farther across the globe