Yhemo Lee, a self-proclaimed nightlight enthusiast, has ignited a social media frenzy with his recent post, mere days after ending a five-month-long relationship with his girlfriend.
The unfolding drama saw Yhemolee and his girlfriend mutually unfollowing and blocking each other on Instagram as their relationship soured, raising eyebrows among their followers.

Speculations surrounding the breakup hinted at allegations of cheating, though his now ex-girlfriend vehemently denied any infidelity.
In an unexpected turn of events, Yhemo Lee took to social media to declare his readiness to take a leap into matrimony, revealing his intention to get married by next year, 2023.
His post read, “Getting married next year IJM,” setting off a wave of reactions from intrigued followers and fans alike.

johnmarsauto offered a perspective: “Who uses money to buy love never finishes paying. – Herbert Macaulay”
betty.becca_ expressed: “Zukwanuike”
harderomokhe_ speculated: “Another scope for a new babe if you like fall”
evacomedytv_ commented: “He wants to use marriage to transition into the next relationship, not just to get married; may the marriage last”
mayreharm__ humorously remarked: “Congratulations, and if you don’t end up getting married, kindly return my congratulations”
iam_ammie21 quipped: “You released an official statement for the breakup, and we're here for it”
endylightl offered advice: “Never make decisions in anger. Take your time if you're not ready”
graceekei pondered: “What if she was cheating on her boyfriend with Yemo?”