Renowned Super Eagles’ striker, Yakubu Aiyegbeni [/b], expresses frustration over enduring criticism for the missed goal during the 2010 World Cup against South Korea. He shares the ongoing impact of sensitive messages he receives from people, even over a decade later.
Recalling the infamous moment from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, where Aiyegbeni missed a crucial goal against South Korea, the footballer continues to face criticism for what many perceived as a missed opportunity that should have been easily scored.

Despite the passage of over a decade, Aiyegbeni reveals in a recent interview that he is still being dragged for the missed goal. He narrates instances of fans sending messages, including one questioning how he would explain the miss to his own child.
Some messages label him as the worst striker in the history of the Super Eagles’ team, reflecting the lasting impact of the 2010 World Cup moment on his legacy.
For the video of his interview, click here.
See the video here👇
— Official Bishop (@officiabishop) March 2, 2024