A lady took the congregation by surprise when she boldly approached Pastor Ebuka Obi during a church service and publicly proposed marriage to him, claiming that God had revealed it to her in a dream.
The unexpected proposal took place during the Singles Conference organized by Pastor Ebuka Obi, where the young woman stood before the audience and shared her divine revelation.
According to her, in the year 2022, she received a prophecy that her future husband would be a prophet. She went on to explain that in 2025, she had a dream in which God confirmed the prophecy, revealing to her that she was destined to marry none other than Pastor Ebuka Obi.

The lady confirmed that the prophet God wants her to get married to is Ebuka Obi. This statement from the lady got the congregants rolling in laughter.
Sharing the video of the lady, Pastor Ebuka Obi captioned it:
“She Proposed Marriage to EVANG EBUKA OBI during Singles Conference 🤯🤣😂😅🤩.”