Skales, a prominent Nigerian rapper, recently shared insights into why female fans show more interest in married male celebrities than their single counterparts.
According to Skales, he believes that the way married men treat their partners sparks a desire in single women for things they perceive only other people's husbands can provide.
Skales observed a shift in behavior from female fans after they get married. He noted that once these women tie the knot, they no longer restrain their obsessive behaviors towards male celebrities.

During a conversation on Echo Room, the host raised a point: "I have noticed this about male celebrities, once they get married there is this notion that they are not as attractive or available as before and so most female fans tend to stop supporting them. What do you think?"
Skales responded, challenging the notion as old school. He emphasized that success in the entertainment industry for married celebrities is no longer solely about their marital status but how well they treat their partners. According to him, if a married celebrity treats his woman well, female fans are more likely to appreciate and support him.
Skales shared his perspective on women's attraction, stating, “I believe females in a way like bad boys. And all the females I know are like bad boys. All the females that are my friends are very calm but they like bad things. A bad boy does not necessarily mean he’s stressing you out. Bad boy is a guy who gats game. I’m still a bad boy despite being married.”