Renowned actor and filmmaker, Ugezu J. Ugezu [/b], recounts the tragic tale of a man's demise following his wife's insistence on him undergoing a palatal implant surgery to alleviate his snoring.
According to the actor, the wife adamantly believed that snoring was a medical condition necessitating surgical intervention, despite contrary advice from friends and cautionary remarks to manage her husband's condition. Disregarding all counsel, she persuaded him to undergo the surgery, which was conducted in India.
Tragically, the man did not survive the procedure, and he returned home in a casket.
In his narrative, Ugezu pens: “Nobody can explain how she did it. But she convinced her husband that snoring is a medical condition that surgery can correct. His friends warned him and advised her to manage her man, as she has her room in that big house. She didn’t listen; because she felt his boys can still smuggle babes to him under her nose. She compelled the man to embrace the surgery and they went to India for it. He is being returned a corpse. He didn’t survive the surgery. Who killed him?”