Nigerian singer, Teni, recently shared her experience with fellow artiste, Davido Adeleke in a new interview.
During the chat, she was asked by the interviewer if she felt offended when Davido referred to her as ‘younger sister’ in public despite the fact that they are age mates.
However, reacting to this, Teni said she never felt offended and went ahead to recount how the singer surprised her during a shoot.
Despite the singer having another meeting during the shoot, he stayed with her and made sure he was done with everything they wanted him to do.
In her words:
“Younger sister and so? Why does my driver that senior me call me madam? Do you know what Davido did? I have a witness. He had a meeting but he stayed at that shoot. He made me blow. Davido stayed, did everything we wanted him to do. I’m an artist myself. If I have a meeting, I will leave.”
Watch the video below:
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