Portable throws shade at Small Doctor, accusing him of bleaching and claiming that he is the one being offered ambassadorial deals (Video)
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Portable Omolalomi, a renowned street rapper, has taken a dig at his fellow singer Small Doctor after being referred to as 'my boy' and criticized for his persona. Small Doctor made these comments during an interview on the Echoo podcast, where he discussed his attempts to change Portable's thuggish lifestyle.

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Famous street rapper, Portable. Credit: Portablebaeby / Instagram[/figure]

Taking offense to Small Doctor's statements, Portable lashed out at the 'Omo Better' singer, accusing him of living in past glory. He also mocked Small Doctor for allegedly bleaching his skin, emphasizing the beauty of black skin tone.

"Egbon adugbo (elder of the street), they want to use me to trend, that's how they operate. People of past glory. Sit there and play, don't worry. You cannot compete with me; Egbon Adugbo, who begs for money, is still advising me."

"Collect my $100. Egbon Adugbo has exhausted his body wash, what is left to burn? His entire body has burned. Black is beauty, African mafia. Keep bleaching while I secure ambassadorial deals. You buy cream, they give me ambassadorships. You do fashion," Portable expressed.

To watch the video, click [a href="https://www.facebook.com/GistReelOnline/videos/634073215435174/?app=fbl"]here[/a].

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"Egbon Adugbo, you cannot run my race. Black is beauty," Portable replies Small Doctor.[/blockquote][/div][/div]

Posted by GistReel.Com on Thursday, June 8, 2023