Popular pastor, Kingsley Okonkwo, gives his highly controversial take on believers having dreadlocks, tattoos and their mode of dressing.
The man of God is the founder of the David’s Christian Center in addition to being the convener for the program Love, Dating and Marriage.
He claimed that many Christians who judge others for their appearance are quite ignorant as many of those things were also done by Jesus.

In his words;
“Some Christians still think dreadlocks is unholy and skin cut is holy, they don’t know Jesus was a Nazarine and likely had long hair
Some think skirt is holy for women and trousers are evil and for men they are good, they don’t know that Jesus was Jewish and probably wore gownlike garments
Should I talk about tattoos, lipstick, “prosperity message”, music and other things that make religious people angry??
Anyway let’s major on the majors and not on the minors and stop the religious police work that no one appointed you to do.”
His statement has caused an uproar on social media, with many Christians disagreeing with his post.
Pastor Kingsley’s tweet here

Some reactions to the post below
@EgedegbeJosiah1 wrote: “Sir, this school of thought is a slippery ground as there are certain narratives we shouldn’t push. Moderation is the watchword but the spirit in every man guides him. The question is, by what spirit does one operate with when they choose attires and hairdos etc? I rest my case”
@adodo98670643 said: “This is an easy gospel which will lead this untoward generation nowhere. This is not the kind of gospel that got you and your wife saved. I have read your story and listened to you a couple of times. Jesus was a Nazarine with natural hair, not the kind plaited in a beauty salon.”
@harrydaniyan commented: “I agree with you on this: too many “God Police” in our Churches these days. I have tattoos, apparently, they anger a lot of people. For as many as come to tell me it’s WRONG to have them, I respond with “Ok”. If my tattoos anger YOU, that’s YOUR problem, not MINE.😎✌🏾”