Ini Dima-Okojie shares foods she avoids to combat fibroids
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A video of Nollywood actress Ini Dima-Okojie sharing an update about her ongoing health journey, in which she reveals the significant dietary changes she has made to combat fibroids, has sparked a wave of emotions and reactions online.

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In her recent social media update, Dima-Okojie provided insight into the foods she has deliberately eliminated from her diet as part of a comprehensive, holistic approach to managing her condition. This update comes as she continues to navigate her health challenges with determination and transparency.

The actress, who was diagnosed with fibroids for the second time after previously undergoing surgery to address the condition, shared details about her decision to cut out specific foods from her daily meals. Among the items she has removed from her diet are red meat, carbonated drinks, processed sugar, and other commonly consumed foods that are known to exacerbate fibroid symptoms.

In a heartfelt video, Ini Dima-Okojie is seen discarding these food items into a trash can while explaining her reasons for doing so. She emphasized the importance of making these changes as part of her broader strategy to fight fibroids and improve her overall well-being.

This comes after Ini Dima-Okojie’s recent diagnosis of fibroids, a condition she previously addressed with surgery, only to have symptoms return after several years of being symptom-free.

Netizens Reactions…

gorgeouxoxoxo said; “I will not wish brow rice for my enemy. That thing is not nice at all”

talk_karis wrote, “The non-stick cooking pot is not healthy and can cause hormonalissues including infertility The chemicals used in producing those pots are dangerousThe moment you notice that your pot is becoming Rusty please throw it away”

lindy_can wrote, “I hope you use Castor oil I heard it works wonders for all these things.. cysts, fibroids, endometriosis etc May God help us ladies”

oyinlovshoney said: “Vitamin D interferes with the process of fibroid cell division and replication, which helps keep fibroids from forming. The active form of vitamin D has been shown to have powerful anti estrogenic and anti-progesteronic effects by decreasing its receptors”

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