[p]Reality TV personality Ka3na advises singles eagerly anticipating extravagant weddings to redirect their focus towards ensuring the success of their marriages. The suggestion follows the viral attention garnered by Veekee James and her husband, who gained fame for a 200-person choir performance at their white wedding.

[p]Ka3na shared her insights on societal improvements through her Instagram story, emphasizing that planning an extravagant wedding demands substantial effort, time, and money – all of which she deems unnecessary.
[/p][p]The reality star advocates redirecting these resources towards ensuring the marriage succeeds. She suggests celebrating the union after 20 years with genuine well-wishers and beautiful children, rather than investing in a lavish spectacle that may lack true interest.
[/p][p]In her own words, "Honestly, in today’s society, we need to strive for improvement. Expending a significant amount of energy, time, and money on staging a spectacle for individuals who genuinely lack interest, all in the name of a wedding… why not channel those resources into ensuring the success of the marriage, enabling it to endure for 20 years? Then, you can organize a grand carnival to commemorate the union, with your genuine well-wishers and beautiful children cheering you on. Now, that’s what I call a show!"