Popular actress, Doris Ogala has caused a stir on social media with her bold claims regarding the ongoing drama between celebrity couple 2Face and Annie Idibia. According to Doris, contrary to what the public may believe, 2Baba (2Face) is the true victim in the situation, and Annie is not entirely innocent as many think.
Doris took to her Instagram page, where she made these allegations amid the couple’s public divorce saga, stirring up significant reactions online. In her post, she implied that Annie's actions in the marriage were driven by a desire to hold on to 2Face, but that she had done something questionable in the process.
Doris also suggested that Annie might be influenced by some form of “juju” (witchcraft) to keep 2Face, which added a supernatural element to the drama. This claim has drawn even more attention and stirred further speculation about the nature of their marriage.
Despite her controversial statements, Doris Ogala firmly maintained that the real victim in the entire situation is 2Face and not Annie. Her exact words were as follows…
“This thing is a projection on their marriage. It’s long overdue. Though Annie is not innocent. But trust me, whatever she did was because she doesn’t want to lose 2Face. This thing na juju tuzzle… but the other one upgraded because she has a witch on her side, THE VICTIM HERE IS 2 BABA.”
Check out reactions that followed …
mercy__m.d remarked: “She’s always on the bad side of every trending topic or conversation lol”
_iamsheila__ stated: “This one na one of the girls wen ready to replace Annie for that marriage Asap! Blessing CEO descendant. 🙄”
official_quinbey wrote: “I pray they actually pick you Nne!”
mr_lovable001 remarked: “You are my African queen, the girl of my dream. Yo yo yo I’m kidding 😩💔”
princess_starrrrrrrrrr said: “Two of them don tire for the marriage, instead of kpaing each other, make dem separate.”
Check out the post below …[/p>