In the midst of a brewing online dispute, controversial Twitter critic Daniel Regha dismisses Nasboi's attempt to reconcile by declining an invitation to dance to Nasboi's latest track, 'Umbrella.' The Twitter influencer had previously upset Nasboi by offering unsolicited advice about his vocal performance on stage.

Despite Nasboi's attempt to extend an olive branch through a dance challenge, Daniel Regha rudely declines, criticizing the song's lyrics and advising Nasboi to use direct messages for future communication. In his response, he states, "Hello @iamnasboi, I appreciate the thought but unfortunately I’m not a fan of the song due to the terrible lyrics, plus u should’ve reached out to me via DM. Asking publicly won’t get me to say Yes. Looking forward to ur next projects tho, hopefully u drop ur first hit song this year. No offense."