The pastor of Chef Dammy, Pastor Jeremiah Adegoke, is reportedly planning to launch his own version of the popular reality show 'Big Brother Naija'. According to a screenshot shared on social media, Pastor Adegoke posted artwork on his page two weeks ago featuring the faces of the housemates. The promotional material revealed that Chef Dammy is among the 15 contestants participating in the show. The pastor's version of 'Big Brother' is titled "Garden of Eden Spirit Word; the Total Lockdown Quest". The flyer has garnered mixed reactions from social media users.
One user named 'Cakes and small chops' expressed their concern, suggesting that the pastor may be exploiting the youth in his church for various programs without providing adequate compensation. Another user, 'Chiwendu', pointed out the interesting placement of the word "Entrepreneur" right after "Mission" on the flyer, raising eyebrows about the pastor's intentions. 'Sought out' called for someone to address the issues surrounding the youth in the church, stating that there might be more happening behind the scenes. 'JB' predicted that the upcoming season would lead to conflicts over the sharing of rewards. 'Kingjenny' simply expressed skepticism about the pastor, stating that everything about him seems off.
The attached images show the flyers promoting the pastor's reality show.

See flyers below….