The renowned Nigerian Brain Jotter has made headlines by sharing a video of his heartwarming act of kindness. In the video, he can be seen helping a physically challenged lady who was hawking water on the streets of Lagos.
The popular comedian, Brain Jotter, posted the video on his official Instagram account, and it quickly went viral. In the video, he candidly revealed the reason behind his decision to assist Eniola, a disabled woman, during this particular encounter.
What deeply moved Brain Jotter was the fact that, despite her physical limitations, Eniola had chosen to earn her living honestly by selling water on the streets rather than resorting to begging for charity.
In the video, as Brain Jotter and his group were on their way to their destination, they encountered Eniola selling water amidst a traffic jam in Lagos.

After a face-to-face meeting with Eniola, Brain Jotter inquired about her background and learned that she hailed from Osun State and had built a name for herself in the field of makeup artistry. However, her journey from Osun to the bustling streets of Lagos had left her short of funds and lacking the necessary supplies for her makeup artistry endeavor.
With a heart as vast as the ocean, Brain Jotter stepped in to assist, donating a generous N400,000. Furthermore, he provided her with a social media lifeline by tagging her with the handle @glam_by_eniola to aid her journey further.
Eniola, overwhelmed with gratitude and wearing a joyful expression, expressed her sincere thanks to the comedian for his kind gesture.
Captioning the video, Brain Jotter wrote, "We met her on our way to set, and her story was inspiring. God bless her, @glam_by_eniola."
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