Blessing CEO, a notable relationship expert, has given advice to wives, urging them not to engage in fights with their husband's "side chic," as she considers it a foolish action. The relationship therapist, Blessing CEO, recently shared her thoughts during a discussion on Arise TV, a statement that has garnered both attention and criticism online.

According to Blessing, the height of folly for a woman is to intrude upon her husband's personal space and confront his "side chic." She went on to emphasize that she typically counsels women seeking guidance at her relationship lounge that they cannot exert control over their husband's choices or the inclination to be unfaithful.
Blessing CEO asserted that many instances of infidelity stem from ego and a desire for dominance on the part of men. However, upon deeper exploration, it is often discovered that despite their indiscretions, they still genuinely love their wives.
Furthermore, the relationship therapist disclosed that when a man becomes disinterested in a woman, nothing can prevent him from ending the relationship.